Oregon Governor Race: A Red Flag
Thursday, June 29, 2006With the Primary election over, Basic Rights Oregon is beginning its focus on the candidates in the November election for Governor.
For the GLBT community the portrait of one of the candidates isn't a pretty one.
When Ron Saxton began his quest to be Oregon's next governor, many of us hoped that he might represent a return to a more moderate Republicanism.
But that's not what happened.
During the Primary election, we got to see the real Ron Saxton: a candidate who has allied himself with the most virulent anti-gay forces in Oregon. As a result, the GLBT community faces an Election Day threat every bit as serious as Ballot Measures 36, 13, and 9.
Think that overstates the case? Take a look at where he stands on basic fairness:
There are many questions still to be asked about the race for governor. But one has been answered. A Ron Saxton victory will guarantee another defeat for equality in Oregon.