Measure 36: ReUnion Party
Two years ago this summer, opponents of GLBT equality submitted signatures for Oregon's Measure 36.
It was a very tough campaign. We phone banked. We canvassed. We stuffed envelopes, unstuffed our wallets, and much, much more.
If you're like us, you miss the community, the camaraderie and all those queer and friendly faces.
So how about a ReUnion party?
Let's celebrate our work, drink punch and tell stories during a reUnion that promises to be far better (and far less awkward) than your high school reunion!
Nothing serious. No big politicking.
Just join us for food and fun, including a very entertaining Elected Officials v. Dragsters Jeopardy match.
Saturday, July 8th, 4-7pm
Metropolitan Learning Center
2033 NW Glisan (at NW 20th Ave.), Portland
All GLBTQ and allied folks are welcome! Kid-friendly! Check out new ways to be active in our community that fit your passions.
For more information call 503.222.6151 or go to
Brought to you by the volunteer members of the Portland Basic Rights Action Team.