We've Moved!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007Thanks!
That was the headline in today's Oregonian and unfortunately, it's true. Together we won tremendous gains toward equality at the Legislature, and together we can - and will - protect those rights at the ballot. But we cannot do it alone.
The Oregon Family Fairness Act and The Oregon Equality Act together seek to ensure fundamental fairness for all Oregonians and their families, but a vocal minority has taken an extreme pro-discrimination, anti-family stand.
The Constitution Party of Oregon has filed the necessary paperwork to begin gathering signatures to do a referendum on the new Domestic Partnership law (House Bill 2007) AND the comprehensive, statewide Anti-Discrimination law (Senate Bill 2). Both are slated to go into effect on January 1, 2008--but if the signatures are gathered, these bills will not become law until after the November 2008 election…provided voters vote to keep these laws.
The Constitution Party is just one of three known groups who are planning attempts to gather the just over 55,000 signatures needed to put you and your family's livelihood on the 2008 ballot.
What IS certain is that we need your help right now. Basic Rights Oregon MUST finance our operations to ensure that our victories remain victories. Today we call upon you to donate and donate generously. After a victory 34 years in the making, we will not let our anti-family opponents turn back the clock on basic fairness for ALL Oregonians. Click here to contribute now.
Now is the time. Please consider making a donation of $50, $100 or $250 today.
Remember, on the donation page, select the "Basic Measure PAC" to make your contribution to. This way, the money goes where it is needed and you get a $50 political tax credit for 2007 per individual/$100 per couple.
Even before the ink has dried on these two historic bills designed to safeguard Oregonians and their families, an anti-family, pro-discrimination minority has announced their intentions to attack these protections in a campaign that will no doubt be as mean-spirited as this state has seen in many, many years.
To give you an example of what the opponents are saying in regards to the two bills that were signed last week:
"...a clear attempt by the ungodly to deconstruct America's Christian based social order in favor of pagan and heathen immorality, and should be vigorously and diligently opposed."
"No bill in Oregon history will have brought more social disruption, disunity and moral confusion... to individuals who do not approve of these behaviors."
- David Crowe of Restore America in emails to his supporters
Labels: HB 2007, legislature, oregon, referendum, SB2