BRO Equality PAC Event Masu This Evening 7pm

Can ONE person really overrule the will of the Senate, the Governor, the House and the Majority of Oregonians? Speaker of the House Karen Minnis thinks so. This legislative session, she alone stopped democracy in its tracks and blocked SB 1000 from becoming the law. Let’s make sure she regrets defending discrimination when she runs for reelection in 2006.
The work of the Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC, which works to elect openly GLBT candidates and those who will advocate for GLBT rights to elected office, has never been more important in our struggle for full equality. Help us kick off our 2006 Candidate Campaign when we’ll “Stick it to Minnis” and make sure that fairminded officials, who WILL vote the right way and won’t stand in the way of democracy, are elected statewide.
Wednesday, September 7th, 7PM
@ Masu 406 SW 13th Ave. in Portland
(Nearest cross street Stark, across from Ringler’s and upstairs from American Apparel)
Tickets: $20 @ door, includes appetizers. No-host bar available.
Thank you to our fantastic sponsors: Mortgage Monkey, Eyes on Broadway, Masu Sushi.
If there was one thing we were reminded of this legislative session, it was this: even the best legislation in the world won’t pass all by itself. Without the right people in elected office at the right time to cast the right votes, we can’t put an end to discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation in Oregon.
A fundraiser for the Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC.