Governor Creates Task Force on Equality
Governor Ted Kulongoski today signed an Executive Order to create a statewide taskforce to examine discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Oregon.
"After the defeat of Senate Bill 1000 last session, we became even more determined to work at every level -- before the next legislative session begins -- to continue the fight to end legal discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Oregon," said Basic Rights Oregon Executive Director Roey Thorpe. "We urged Governor Kulongoski to explore every strategy possible to ensure all Oregonians are treated equally and we are proud to partner with him in this effort."
The task force is charged with recommending changes to Oregon's laws to ensure that all Oregonians are adequately protected from discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and other opportunities, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
"We know that when reasonable people look at the facts about discrimination against GLBT people and the positive impact of anti-discrimination legislation in other states they will agree that protecting all Oregonians is the right thing to do," said Thorpe. " We won't give up until equality is the law of the land. The formation of this task force is just the latest step in our campaign to make sure that next year the legislature finally sends a message that discrimination has no place in this state."
The task force of between 8-12 members, which will be chaired by Portland businessperson Paul Kelly, will make a recommendation on the proposal to ensure that all of state government affords the same rights and privileges to all Oregonians to the greatest extent permitted under federal law and the Oregon Constitution.
It will also ensure that Oregon law provides an appropriate legal pathway for grievance, enforcement and resolution if Oregonians experience unequal treatment in either the public or private sectors. The task force will not only examine Oregon's laws, but will also analyze anti-discrimination statutes adopted by other states, as well as related bills introduced during the 2005 session of the Oregon Legislative Assembly.
As he signed the Executive Order, Governor Kulongoski said,"I'm very proud to be here today with Basic Rights Oregon as we continue to push the issue of basic fairness and equality forward. We fought together last session for anti-discrimination legislation and I am committed to continuing this fight until we achieve our goal of economic and social equality and justice for every person living in Oregon, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Today is another step forward toward that goal, but it's just the beginning and I won't quit until antidiscrimination laws are on the books in Oregon."
Recommended changes to Oregon law will be submitted to the Governor no later than December 31, 2006.
A full roster of task force membership will be released next month. To read the executive order click here.
Watch the Governor's Remarks Here:
Watch our Response Here: here.
"After the defeat of Senate Bill 1000 last session, we became even more determined to work at every level -- before the next legislative session begins -- to continue the fight to end legal discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Oregon," said Basic Rights Oregon Executive Director Roey Thorpe. "We urged Governor Kulongoski to explore every strategy possible to ensure all Oregonians are treated equally and we are proud to partner with him in this effort."
The task force is charged with recommending changes to Oregon's laws to ensure that all Oregonians are adequately protected from discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and other opportunities, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
"We know that when reasonable people look at the facts about discrimination against GLBT people and the positive impact of anti-discrimination legislation in other states they will agree that protecting all Oregonians is the right thing to do," said Thorpe. " We won't give up until equality is the law of the land. The formation of this task force is just the latest step in our campaign to make sure that next year the legislature finally sends a message that discrimination has no place in this state."
The task force of between 8-12 members, which will be chaired by Portland businessperson Paul Kelly, will make a recommendation on the proposal to ensure that all of state government affords the same rights and privileges to all Oregonians to the greatest extent permitted under federal law and the Oregon Constitution.
It will also ensure that Oregon law provides an appropriate legal pathway for grievance, enforcement and resolution if Oregonians experience unequal treatment in either the public or private sectors. The task force will not only examine Oregon's laws, but will also analyze anti-discrimination statutes adopted by other states, as well as related bills introduced during the 2005 session of the Oregon Legislative Assembly.
As he signed the Executive Order, Governor Kulongoski said,"I'm very proud to be here today with Basic Rights Oregon as we continue to push the issue of basic fairness and equality forward. We fought together last session for anti-discrimination legislation and I am committed to continuing this fight until we achieve our goal of economic and social equality and justice for every person living in Oregon, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Today is another step forward toward that goal, but it's just the beginning and I won't quit until antidiscrimination laws are on the books in Oregon."
Recommended changes to Oregon law will be submitted to the Governor no later than December 31, 2006.
A full roster of task force membership will be released next month. To read the executive order click here.
Watch the Governor's Remarks Here:
Watch our Response Here: here.
In issuing a marriage license, the state makes no attempt to determine that the marriage can or will produce children (i.e. elderly or infertile or couples who just don’t want children are equally able to get a marriage license). Marriage is today more about two people who profess love and commitment to each other, and thoughts of children are frequently secondary if at all. This civil marriage license affords that couple a myriad of benefits and privileges – which are provided to them by society as a whole – by straight and gay. Yet ONLY straights are the recipients of these benefits and privileges.
As for raising children, it is the quality of the parenting, not the sexual orientation of the parents that is important.
Marriage is a special and ceremonious occasion in our society – a milestone that individuals dream about in their own way. It is more than a legal status – it is also an announcement to one’s family, friends, and community that this relationship and commitment exists – and a wish that one’s family, friends, and community will be there to support and nourish and protect this relationship.
I fully understand the long tradition of marriage – I also know that homosexuals have existed equally long in history. And homosexuals have borne countless indignities over this same long history. So too had slavery existed for most of history, but enlightened societies came to realize the injustice that it was – and in recent history it was abolished. So too, today enlighten peoples, institutions, and societies realize that homosexuality is not a moral evil but is a part of the fabric of human variation that God gives us.
To deny a loving homosexual couple the same opportunity for marriage that a loving heterosexual couple is afforded is to deny them a basic and fundamental right in our society.
Teddy is pandering for our votes. So far the ONLY announced candidate for Governor who I'd trust with our cause is Ben Westlund. Teddy will get limp and wimpy on this within days of being re-elected. No thanks.
I completely agree with the above comment. Teddy is trying his best to get the gay vote. It won't work - at least for me. Senator Westlund showed us true leadership by putting his butt on the line and sponsoring SB 1000. He's got my vote for Governor.
I am only a 16 year old. But, in everything I have read and that is going on I do get what is happening. I believe that there should not be laws protecting GLBT or laws discriminating against them. There is no reason for anyone to need to know if someone is GLBT when applying for a job, looking for a house, or anything that could result in them being discriminated against. The only issue that I or anybody else should ever need to read about should be the issue of marriage. Because, in Oregon there are laws saying that you can't refuse a job to a homosexual. well, sorry but what if someone is more applied for the job? Is the homosexual being going to sue me because i didnt hire them and they told me they were gay (for a reason that would benifit them and not the company)?
Anonymous 16 YO--
Thanks for posting. You are incorrect, however, that there are laws in Oregon that prevent an employer from refusing a job to someone who is gay.
In fact the opposite is true. It is perfectly legal in Oregon to refuse to hire someone solely because he or she is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. In short, it is legal to discriminate in this state based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Anti-discrimination laws don't create any "special" right above other Oregonians or "require" landlords or employers to rent to or employ someone who is GLBT, they merely prevent employers, landlords, etc. from unfairly discriminating based on sexual orientation instead of making hiring and rental decisions on objective qualifications for a home or a job.
Rebekah Kassell
Communications Director
Basic Rights Oregon
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