Open Thread: Discuss BRO's Leadership Summit
Did you attend BRO's first annual Statewide Leadership Summit Saturday in Corvallis? More than 100 activists from all over Oregon--the coast, Bend, Grants Pass, Eugene, Salem, The Dalles, Pendelton, Portland and more--converged on Corvallis for training, strategizing, dicussion and planning.
We were lucky to hear from civil rights, peace and justice activist and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Mandy Carter.
We were energized, inspired and motivated to take our fight for equality to the next level city by city and county by county in our state. Were you there? What did you think? Discuss your experience at the conference, the next steps and the issues here!
We were lucky to hear from civil rights, peace and justice activist and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Mandy Carter.
We were energized, inspired and motivated to take our fight for equality to the next level city by city and county by county in our state. Were you there? What did you think? Discuss your experience at the conference, the next steps and the issues here!
was very honored by mandy's presence, many thanks to those who worked hard to get here there. was happily impressed by turnout. i enjoyed myself very much, am glad to have made your accquaintances, and look forward to working with you in the future. i was inspired by your vision, dedication, and love.
peace, all
Awesome day! Incredibly helpful to have such a solid but fluid plan in place to accomplish our very realistic goals. Afterall, we are on the side of fairness and equality. I am inspired by the turnout, by Mandy, by the sense of urgency, by the new skills gained. Keep networking!
United are we,
The day was great! I thought it was very well planned with opportunities for everyone to get involved. I loved the statewide plan and the video!
I wonder...was anyone else surprised how much of the discussion during the day revolved around education needed within the LGBTQ movement and discrimination within the LGBTQ movement related to race, gender identity, class, etc. instead of changing the minds of the public who are against us? That was pretty eye-opening.
Thanks though...great conference.
Hi all,
Thanks to BRO for organizing this conference and to those of you who participated in CAUSA's "Building Alliances for Immigrant Justice" workshop. We appreciated the opportunity to talk about the targeting of immigrant communities and how the queer community can be allies.
For those of you interested in taking action against the Sensenbrenner bill - the worst anti-immigrant bill in 70 years - please go to
More information can also be found at and
Aeryca Steinbauer
The Leadership Summit was inspiring and motivational. The leaders were fabulously infectious. I am new to the activism arena, and this was a great introduction. I am looking forward to working with those I met soon!
Colin W
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